Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge
[Belgium] ICHEC Brussels Management School
[Belgium] KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business
[Belgium]University of Liège, IÉSEG School of Management
[Belgium] Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management
[Croatia] University of Zagreb
[Finland] Hanken School of Economics
[France] Universite Catholique de Lille
[France] Université Paris Dauphine
[France] Toulouse Business School
[France] SKEMA Business School
[France] NEOMA Business School
[France] ISCID-CO
[France] EmLyon Business School
[France] ICN Business School
[France] Institut Mines-Telecom Business School
[France] Montpellier Business School
[France] Rennes School of Business
[France] Toulouse Capitole University
[Germany] RWTH Aachen University
[Germany] Berlin School of Economics and Law
[Germany] CBS International Business School
[Italy] University of Verona
[Netherlands] University of Groningen
[Netherlands] Tilburg University
[Spain] IE University
[Spain] ESADE Business School
[Spain] Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
[UK] Aston University
[UK] University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)
[Sweden] Stockholm University
[Switzerland] University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland-FHNW
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