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Communication Brenda Bailey-Hughes

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Finance Matt Billett

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Operations & Decision Technologies Kyle D. Cattani

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Management and Entrepreneurship James Davis

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Management Greg Fisher

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Management and Entrepreneurship Will Geoghegan

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Business Communication Jeanette Heidewald

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Accounting Patrick E. Hopkins

more Sreenivas

Finance Sreenivas Kamma

more Idalene

Dean Emerita of the Kelley School of Business / Management Idie Kesner

more Don Joo Lee

Marketing Don Joo Lee

more Tim Lemper

Business Law & Ethics Tim Lemper

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Operations & Decision Technologies Alex Lopes

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Management and Entrepreneurship Raymond Luther

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Marketing Girish Mallapragada

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Management James Oldroyd

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Business Law & Ethics Josh Perry

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Management and Entrepreneurship Fred Schlegel

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Decision Sciences Ash Soni