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Q. (Certificate) I graduated from SKK GSB. I need additional academic transcript and graduation certificate. How can I receive them? view off

Q. (Certificate) I would like to verify SKK GSB alumni’s degree and academic transcript. view off

Q. (Dual degree) How to receive the academic transcript for the degree from IU Kelley School? view off

Q. (Admissions) When will the admission results be announced? view off

Q. (Admissions) How does the interview process work? view off

Q. (Admissions) How can overseas applicants take an interview? view off

Q. (Admissions) Do I have to write the online application in English? view off

Q. (Admissions) I cannot use the online application fee payment system view off

Q. (Admissions) What is the Certificate of Career or Certificate of Employment? How can I obtain them? view off

Q. (Admissions) There is no Certificate of employment or Certificate of career form in the company. view off

Q. (Admissions) If I do not qualify for admission in one season, when can I apply to SKK GSB again? view off